Trading Session 
& Server Time Adjustment

Ultima Markets Cross Ring
Ultima Markets Cross Ring

Our server time zone will be changed to GMT+2 due to US Daylight Saving (DST) on 6th November 2023.

The trading sessions will also be updated as per the following schedule:

Our server time zone will be changed to “GMT+2” due to US Daylight Saving (DST) on 6th November 2023. The trading sessions will also be updated as per the following schedule:
Date Product Original Trading Sessions (GMT+3) Updated Trading Sessions (GMT+2)
2023/11/06 (Mon.) UKOUSD Mon 02:00-24:00
Tue-Fri 00:00-01:00; 03:00-24:00
Mon 01:00-24:00
Tue-Fri 03:00-24:00
China50 Mon-Fri 04:00-11:55;
Mon-Fri 03:00-10:30;
China50ft Mon-Fri 04:00-11:30;
Mon-Fri 03:00-10:30;
HK50 Mon-Fri 04:15-07:00;
08:00-11:30, 12:15-22:00
Mon-Fri 03:15-06:30;
07:00-10:30, 11:15-21:00
HK50ft Mon-Fri 04:15-07:00;
08:00-11:30, 12:15-22:00
Mon-Fri 03:15-06:30;
07:00-10:30, 11:15-21:00
Ger40 Mon-Fri 03:15-23:00 Mon-Thu 02:15-24:00
Fri 02:15-23:00
Ger40ft Mon-Fri 03:15-23:00 Mon-Thu 02:15-24:00
Fri 02:15-23:00
ES35 Mon-Fri 10:00-21:00 Mon-Fri 09:00-21:00
BVSPX Mon-Fri 15:01-23:55 Mon-Fri 14:01-23:25
SA40 Mon-Fri 09:30-18:30 Mon-Fri 08:30-17:30
USDCLP Mon-Fri 15:50-19:10 Mon-Fri 14:50-18:10
USDCOP Mon-Fri 17:00-20:50 Mon-Fri 16:00-19:50
USDIDR Mon-Fri 04:00-23:00 Mon-Fri 03:00-23:00
USDINR Mon-Fri 05:01-22:58 Mon-Fri 04:01-22:58
USDKRW Mon-Fri 03:01-23:00 Mon-Fri 02:01-23:00
USDTWD Mon-Fri 03:10-22:00 Mon-Fri 02:10-22:00
Cocoa Mon-Fri 12:45-20:30 Mon-Fri 11:45-20:30
Coffee Mon-Fri 12:15-20:30 Mon-Fri 11:15-20:30
Sugar Mon-Fri 11:30-20:00 Mon-Fri 10:30-20:00
FGBL Mon-Fri 03:15-24:00 Mon-Fri 02:15-23:00
FGBM Mon-Fri 03:15-24:00 Mon-Fri 02:15-23:00
FGBX Mon-Fri 03:15-24:00 Mon-Fri 02:15-23:00
FGBS Mon-Fri 03:15-24:00 Mon-Fri 02:15-23:00
FLG Mon-Fri 11:00-21:00 Mon-Fri 10:00-20:00
FEI Mon-Fri 04:00-24:00 Mon-Fri 03:00-23:00

Friendly Reminder

  • • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+2.
  • • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions base on the dynamic nature of market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information on the MetaTrader software/application.
    If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact
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