Ultima Markets

Ultima Markets Cross Ring
Ultima Markets Cross Ring

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Unser Ziel ist es, Ihnen möglichst genaue und zeitnahe Informationen zur Verfügung zu stellen, damit Sie vertrauensvoll handeln und fundierte Entscheidungen treffen können.

U p c o m i n g

  • Alle
  • Dividende
  • Produktaktualisierungen
  • CFD-Rollover
  • Handelszeiten
  • Instandhaltung


August 2023

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


August 2023

Ultima Markets Holiday Trading Hours Adjustment Notice

Due to the impact of holidays, the trading hours of some products will also be changed during and after the holiday, as follows: Holiday Date Adjustments (Product / Actions) Battle of Boyacá Day 2023.08.07 Market Closed USDCOP National Women’s Day


August 2023

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


July 2023

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


July 2023

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on