Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on the same day, and the corresponding gain or expense will occur depending on the position you are holding and will be reflected in the account history.

• The above data are expressed in the base currency of each index.

• According to market practice, the actual execution data may change, please refer to MT4 software for details.

When the stock index goes ex-dividend, the dividend will be adjusted in the form of fund deduction.

You can view the fund deduction record with the following annotation “Div & stock index name & net lot” in the account history,It is the dividend adjustment. The long lot is calculated as a “positive value”, and the short lot is calculated as a “negative value”. The sum of the two is the “net lot”.

An example is as follows.

If you trade more than 5 lots of DJ30, you can view the “Div & DJ30 & 5” dividend adjustment record in the form of balance in the account history; View the “Div & DJ30 & -5” dividend adjustment records in the form of balance.

We recommend that you carefully evaluate your current positions and consider whether to hold it overnight.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on the same day, and the corresponding gain or expense will occur depending on the position you are holding and will be reflected in the account history.

• The above data are expressed in the base currency of each index.

• According to market practice, the actual execution data may change, please refer to MT4 software for details.

When the stock index goes ex-dividend, the dividend will be adjusted in the form of fund deduction.

You can view the fund deduction record with the following annotation “Div & stock index name & net lot” in the account history,It is the dividend adjustment. The long lot is calculated as a “positive value”, and the short lot is calculated as a “negative value”. The sum of the two is the “net lot”.

An example is as follows.

If you trade more than 5 lots of DJ30, you can view the “Div & DJ30 & 5” dividend adjustment record in the form of balance in the account history; View the “Div & DJ30 & -5” dividend adjustment records in the form of balance.

We recommend that you carefully evaluate your current positions and consider whether to hold it overnight.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on the same day, and the corresponding gain or expense will occur depending on the position you are holding and will be reflected in the account history.

• The above data are expressed in the base currency of each index.

• According to market practice, the actual execution data may change, please refer to MT4 software for details.

When the stock index goes ex-dividend, the dividend will be adjusted in the form of fund deduction.

You can view the fund deduction record with the following annotation “Div & stock index name & net lot” in the account history,It is the dividend adjustment. The long lot is calculated as a “positive value”, and the short lot is calculated as a “negative value”. The sum of the two is the “net lot”.

An example is as follows.

If you trade more than 5 lots of DJ30, you can view the “Div & DJ30 & 5” dividend adjustment record in the form of balance in the account history; View the “Div & DJ30 & -5” dividend adjustment records in the form of balance.

We recommend that you carefully evaluate your current positions and consider whether to hold it overnight.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on the same day, and the corresponding gain or expense will occur depending on the position you are holding and will be reflected in the account history.

• The above data are expressed in the base currency of each index.

• According to market practice, the actual execution data may change, please refer to MT4 software for details.

When the stock index goes ex-dividend, the dividend will be adjusted in the form of fund deduction.

You can view the fund deduction record with the following annotation “Div & stock index name & net lot” in the account history,It is the dividend adjustment. The long lot is calculated as a “positive value”, and the short lot is calculated as a “negative value”. The sum of the two is the “net lot”.

An example is as follows.

If you trade more than 5 lots of DJ30, you can view the “Div & DJ30 & 5” dividend adjustment record in the form of balance in the account history; View the “Div & DJ30 & -5” dividend adjustment records in the form of balance.

We recommend that you carefully evaluate your current positions and consider whether to hold it overnight.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on the same day, and the corresponding gain or expense will occur depending on the position you are holding and will be reflected in the account history.

• The above data are expressed in the base currency of each index.

• According to market practice, the actual execution data may change, please refer to MT4 software for details.

When the stock index goes ex-dividend, the dividend will be adjusted in the form of fund deduction.

You can view the fund deduction record with the following annotation “Div & stock index name & net lot” in the account history,It is the dividend adjustment. The long lot is calculated as a “positive value”, and the short lot is calculated as a “negative value”. The sum of the two is the “net lot”.

An example is as follows.

If you trade more than 5 lots of DJ30, you can view the “Div & DJ30 & 5” dividend adjustment record in the form of balance in the account history; View the “Div & DJ30 & -5” dividend adjustment records in the form of balance.

We recommend that you carefully evaluate your current positions and consider whether to hold it overnight.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets Notification of Server Upgrade

As part of our commitment to providing our clients with the best reliability and service, there will be a server upgrade & maintenance this weekend. Trading sessions this weekend are as follows:


Trading sessions

Trade status

Maintenance sessions

2025/03/08 (Sat.)

02:00-23:59 (GMT+2)



2025/03/09 (Sun.)

00:00-07:00 (GMT+2)
15:00-23:59 (GMT+3)


07:00 GMT+2 – 15:00 GMT+3

Friendly Reminder

• During the upgrade process, the client portal and UM App will be temporarily unavailable. Our official website will remain available, but clients will not be able to sign up.

• Any client portal and UM App functions that contain account data adjustments might be temporarily unavailable.

• During the upgrade process, the features of MetaTrader software & application, including but not limited to logging in, quoting and opening/closing positions, will be temporarily unavailable.

• There might be a gap between the original price and the price after maintenance. The gap between Pending Orders, Stop Loss and Take Profit will be filled at the market price once the maintenance is completed.

• Please refer to MT4 for the latest update on the completion and market opening time.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected].

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on the same day, and the corresponding gain or expense will occur depending on the position you are holding and will be reflected in the account history.

• The above data are expressed in the base currency of each index.

• According to market practice, the actual execution data may change, please refer to MT4 software for details.

When the stock index goes ex-dividend, the dividend will be adjusted in the form of fund deduction.

You can view the fund deduction record with the following annotation “Div & stock index name & net lot” in the account history,It is the dividend adjustment. The long lot is calculated as a “positive value”, and the short lot is calculated as a “negative value”. The sum of the two is the “net lot”.

An example is as follows.

If you trade more than 5 lots of DJ30, you can view the “Div & DJ30 & 5” dividend adjustment record in the form of balance in the account history; View the “Div & DJ30 & -5” dividend adjustment records in the form of balance.

We recommend that you carefully evaluate your current positions and consider whether to hold it overnight.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on the same day, and the corresponding gain or expense will occur depending on the position you are holding and will be reflected in the account history.

• The above data are expressed in the base currency of each index.

• According to market practice, the actual execution data may change, please refer to MT4 software for details.

When the stock index goes ex-dividend, the dividend will be adjusted in the form of fund deduction.

You can view the fund deduction record with the following annotation “Div & stock index name & net lot” in the account history,It is the dividend adjustment. The long lot is calculated as a “positive value”, and the short lot is calculated as a “negative value”. The sum of the two is the “net lot”.

An example is as follows.

If you trade more than 5 lots of DJ30, you can view the “Div & DJ30 & 5” dividend adjustment record in the form of balance in the account history; View the “Div & DJ30 & -5” dividend adjustment records in the form of balance.

We recommend that you carefully evaluate your current positions and consider whether to hold it overnight.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets – Trading Session Adjustment for US Daylight Saving (DST)

Our server time zone will be changed to “GMT+3” due to US Daylight Saving (DST) on 9th March 2025. The trading sessions will also be updated as per the following schedule:
Date Product Original Trading Sessions (GMT+2) Updated Trading Sessions (GMT+3)
2025/03/09 (Sun.) Cocoa Mon-Fri: 11:45-20:30 Mon-Fri: 12:45-20:30
Coffee Mon-Fri: 11:15-20:30 Mon-Fri: 12:15-20:30
Sugar Mon-Fri: 10:30-20:00 Mon-Fri: 11:30-20:00
Gasoil Mon: 01:00-24:00
Tue-Fri: 03:00-21:00
Mon-Fri 10:00-21:00
UKOUSD Mon-Fri: 01:00-24:00 Mon: 2:00-24:00
Tue-Fri: 00:00-01:00,
UKOUSDft Mon: 01:00-24:00
Tue-Fri: 00:00-01:00,
Mon: 2:00-24:00
Tue-Fri: 00:00-01:00,
ES35 Mon-Fri: 09:00-21:00 Mon-Fri: 10:00-21:00
GER40 Mon-Thu: 02:15-24:00
Fri: 02:15-23:00
Mon-Fri: 03:15-24:00
GER40ft Mon-Thu: 02:15-24:00
Fri: 02:15-23:00
Mon-Fri: 03:15-24:00
Mon-Thu: 02:15-24:00
Fri: 02:15-23:00
Mon-Fri: 01:05-03:00,
SA40 Mon-Fri: 03:15-23:00 Mon-Fri: 09:30-18:30
BVSPX Mon-Fri: 14:01-23:25 Mon-Fri: 15:01-23:55
China50 Mon-Fri: 03:00-10:00,
Mon-Fri: 04:00-11:30,
China50ft Mon-Fri: 03:00-10:00,
Mon-Fri: 04:00-11:30,
SGP20 Mon-Fri: 02:30 – 11:10,
Mon-Fri: 03:30-12:10,
TWINDEX Mon-Fri: 03:00-7:30,
Mon-Fri: 04:00-08:30,
HK50 Mon-Fri: 03:15-06:00,
07:00-10:30, 11:15-21:00
Mon-Fri: 04:15-07:00,
08:00-11:30, 12:15-22:00
HK50ft Mon-Fri: 03:15-06:00,
07:00-10:30, 11:15-21:00
Mon-Fri: 04:15-07:00,
08:00-11:30, 12:15-22:00
Mon-Fri: 03:15-06:00,
07:00-10:30, 11:15-21:00
Mon-Fri: 04:15-07:00,
08:00-11:30, 12:15-22:00
SPI200 Mon-Fri: 01:00-07:30,
Mon-Fri: 01:00-08:30,
UK100 Mon-Fri: 01:00-24:00 Mon: 01:05-24:00
Tue-Fri: 01:00-24:00
UK100ft Mon-Fri: 01:05-24:00 Mon: 01:05-24:00
Tue-Fri: 01:00-24:00
EUB10Y Mon-Fri: 02:15-23:00 Mon-Fri: 03:15~24:00
EUB2Y Mon-Fri: 02:15-23:00 Mon-Fri: 03:15~24:00
EUB30Y Mon-Fri: 02:15-23:00 Mon-Fri: 03:15~24:00
EUB5Y Mon-Fri: 02:15-23:00 Mon-Fri: 03:15~24:00
EURIBOR3M Mon-Fri: 03:00-23:00 Mon-Fri: 04:00-24:00
LongGilt Mon-Fri: 10:00-20:00 Mon-Fri: 11:00-21:00
USDCLP Mon-Fri: 14:50-18:10 Mon-Fri: 15:50-19:10
USDCOP Mon-Fri: 16:00-19:50 Mon-Fri: 17:00-20:50
USDIDR Mon-Fri: 03:00-23:00 Mon-Fri: 04:00-23:00
USDKRW Mon-Fri: 02:00-23:00 Mon-Fri: 03:00-23:00
USDTWD Mon-Fri: 02:10-22:00 Mon-Fri: 03:10-22:00
USDINR Mon-Fri: 04:00-23:00 Mon-Fri: 05:00-23:00

Friendly Reminder

  • • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+3.
  • • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions base on the dynamic nature of market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information on the MetaTrader software/application.
    If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on the same day, and the corresponding gain or expense will occur depending on the position you are holding and will be reflected in the account history.

• The above data are expressed in the base currency of each index.

• According to market practice, the actual execution data may change, please refer to MT4 software for details.

When the stock index goes ex-dividend, the dividend will be adjusted in the form of fund deduction.

You can view the fund deduction record with the following annotation “Div & stock index name & net lot” in the account history,It is the dividend adjustment. The long lot is calculated as a “positive value”, and the short lot is calculated as a “negative value”. The sum of the two is the “net lot”.

An example is as follows.

If you trade more than 5 lots of DJ30, you can view the “Div & DJ30 & 5” dividend adjustment record in the form of balance in the account history; View the “Div & DJ30 & -5” dividend adjustment records in the form of balance.

We recommend that you carefully evaluate your current positions and consider whether to hold it overnight.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]