Tags: Forex basics
You will never understand why forex trading may help you win the financial lotteries, if you have no idea about margin and leverage, the two key elements in forex trading.
The terms, leverage and margin, are often used interchangeably in the forex trading, so let’s try to explain these two terms altogether.
Imagine you are playing a video game, and you have a special power-up that makes your character stronger. In forex trading, the leverage is exactly that power-up allowing you to control a bigger amount of capital with only a small amount of your own money. In simple terms, leverage is a multiple to magnify your money deposited into your trading account.
If leverage is a multiple of your deposit, then margin is the amount of money required to open a trading position. It is a small portion of the total value of the trade that you must have in your trading account. Margin serves as a form of collateral or security for the broker against potential losses.
Margin and leverage are important because it enables you to access the forex market with a smaller capital investment. In other words, you can engage in trade with limited funds and potentially profit from currency price movements.
Let’s say you want to trade $10,000 worth of a currency pair, but you only have $100 in your trading account. With leverage, your broker can lend you the remaining $9,900. In this case, the initial deposit of $100 is your margin, and your leverage ratio is 1:100 ($100/$10,000). Leverage allows you to amplify your potential profits. If the price of the currency pair goes in your favor, you can make a higher percentage return on your initial investment.
However, it’s key to remember that margin and leverage not only magnify your profit, but also amplify your losses if the trade fails to go as planned. If the price of the currency pair moves against you, you can lose more money than you initially invested. This is why it’s crucial to use leverage prudentially, and understand the potential risks involved.
Let’s continue with that video game analogy. If you use your special power-up correctly, then your character will be stronger, and you can defeat enemies easily and win more points. But if you use power-up in the wrong way, you may lose more points than if you don’t have the power-up. Similarly, if your forex trades don’t go well, you can lose more money with leverage than if you were trading with just your own funds.
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