Ultima Markets

Ultima Markets Cross Ring
Ultima Markets Cross Ring

Nous vous tenons au courant de toutes les dernières nouvelles et mises à jour concernant nos outils de trading, nos produits et notre environnement. Vous trouverez ici des informations sur les mises à jour du serveur, les modifications apportées aux produits ou outils de trading, les lancements de nouveaux produits et bien d’autres notifications.

Notre objectif est de vous fournir les informations les plus précises et les plus actuelles possibles, afin que vous puissiez négocier en toute confiance et prendre des décisions éclairées.


  • Tous
  • Dividende
  • Mises à jour du produit
  • Renouvellement des CFD
  • Horaires de négociation
  • Entretien


February 2025

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


February 2025

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


February 2025

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


February 2025

Ultima Markets Notification of Server Upgrade

As part of our commitment to providing our clients with the best reliability and service, there will be a server upgrade & maintenance this weekend. Trading sessions this weekend are as follows: Date Trading sessions (GMT+2) Trade status Maintenance sessions


February 2025

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


February 2025

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


February 2025

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


February 2025

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


February 2025

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


February 2025

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


August 2023

Ultima Markets – The Adjustments of Leverage for US Share

The specification for US shares CFD will be adjusted during the end of the earnings season. Adjustment Details 1. Effective Date: Since 21, Aug 2023 2. Adjustment: The leverage of US Shares CFD will be adjusted from 20:1 to “33:1”.


July 2023

UM Social Is Launched!This is your trading future and get ready to get inspired.

UM Social Is Launched!This is your trading future and get ready to get inspired. Meet your new trading future, UM Social, has been officially launched. This is an innovative social trading platform where you can access more opportunities by copying


October 2023

Ultima Markets – The Rollover Schedule of Futures in Oct

Futures contracts switch to new contracts on the expiration date regularly, the process is known as “Rollover.” Market prices may experience fluctuations caused by non-market factors after the rollover. Positions in futures contracts will undergo corresponding funding adjustments based on


September 2023

Ultima Markets – The Rollover Schedule of Futures in Sep

Futures contracts switch to new contracts on the expiration date regularly, the process is known as “Rollover.” Market prices may experience fluctuations caused by non-market factors after the rollover. Positions in futures contracts will undergo corresponding funding adjustments based on


September 2023

Ultima Markets – The Rollover Schedule of Futures in Sep

Futures contracts switch to new contracts on the expiration date regularly, the process is known as “Rollover.” Market prices may experience fluctuations caused by non-market factors after the rollover. Positions in futures contracts will undergo corresponding funding adjustments based on


August 2023

Ultima Markets – The Rollover Schedule of Futures in Aug

Futures contracts switch to new contracts on the expiration date regularly, the process is known as “Rollover.” Market prices may experience fluctuations caused by non-market factors after the rollover. Positions in futures contracts will undergo corresponding funding adjustments based on


August 2023

Ultima Markets – The Rollover Schedule of Futures in Aug

Futures contracts switch to new contracts on the expiration date regularly, the process is known as “Rollover.” Market prices may experience fluctuations caused by non-market factors after the rollover. Positions in futures contracts will undergo corresponding funding adjustments based on


January 2024

Ultima Markets The trading sessions of holiday in Jan

The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details: Holiday Date Adjustments (Product / Actions) Martin Luther King Jr.Day 2024.01.15 Market Closed Cotton. OJ, Cocoa, Coffee, Sugar, Soybean, Wheat US


December 2023

Ultima Markets – The trading sessions of holiday in Dec

The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details: Holiday Date Adjustments (Product / Actions) Immaculate Conception Day 2023.12.08 Market Closed USDCLP, USDCOP Day of Reconciliation 2023.12.15 Market Closed SA40


December 2023

Ultima Markets – The trading sessions of holiday in Dec

The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details: Holiday Date Adjustments (Product / Actions) Immaculate Conception Day 2023.12.08 Market Closed USDCLP, USDCOP Day of Reconciliation 2023.12.15 Market Closed SA40


November 2023

Ultima Markets – Trading Session & Server Time Adjustment for US Daylight Saving (DST)

Our server time zone will be changed to “GMT+2” due to US Daylight Saving (DST) on 6th November 2023. The trading sessions will also be updated as per the following schedule: Date Product Original Trading Sessions (GMT+3) Updated Trading Sessions


November 2023

Ultima Markets – Trading Session & Server Time Adjustment for US Daylight Saving (DST)

Our server time zone will be changed to “GMT+2” due to US Daylight Saving (DST) on 6th November 2023. The trading sessions will also be updated as per the following schedule: Date Product Original Trading Sessions (GMT+3) Updated Trading Sessions


November 2023

Ultima Markets Notification of Server Upgrade

As part of our commitment to providing our clients with the best reliability and service, there will be a server upgrade & maintenance this weekend. Trading sessions this weekend are as follows: Date Trading sessions (GMT+2) Trade status Maintenance sessions


November 2023

Ultima Markets Notification of Server Upgrade

As part of our commitment to providing our clients with the best reliability and service, there will be a server upgrade & maintenance this weekend. Trading sessions this weekend are as follows: Date Trading sessions (GMT+3) Trade status Maintenance sessions


November 2023

Ultima Markets Notification of Server Upgrade

As part of our commitment to providing our clients with the best reliability and service, there will be a server upgrade & maintenance this weekend. Trading sessions this weekend are as follows: Date Trading sessions (GMT+3) Trade status Maintenance sessions


September 2023

Ultima Markets Notification of Server Upgrade

As part of our commitment to providing our clients with the best reliability and service, there will be server upgrade & maintenance this weekend. Trading sessions this weekend are as follows: Date Trading sessions (GMT+3) Trade status 2023/9/2 (Sat.) 08:00-23:59


September 2023

Ultima Markets Notification of Server Upgrade

As part of our commitment to providing our clients with the best reliability and service, there will be server upgrade & maintenance this weekend. Trading sessions this weekend are as follows: Date Trading sessions (GMT+3) Trade status 2023/9/2 (Sat.) 08:00-23:59