Ultima Markets

Ultima Markets Cross Ring
Ultima Markets Cross Ring

Ti teniamo aggiornato su tutte le ultime notizie e aggiornamenti sui nostri strumenti di trading, prodotti e ambiente. Qui troverai informazioni sugli aggiornamenti del server, modifiche ai prodotti o agli strumenti di trading, lancio di nuovi prodotti e molte altre notifiche.

Il nostro obiettivo è fornirti le informazioni più accurate e tempestive possibili, in modo che tu possa fare trading con fiducia e prendere decisioni informate.


  • Tutto
  • Dividendo
  • Aggiornamenti del prodotto
  • Rollover dei CFD
  • Orari di Trading
  • Manutenzione


September 2023

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


September 2023

Ultima Markets – Trading Session Adjustment for CHINA50

The trading sessions for CHINA50 will be updated from 18 September 2023 as per the following schedule: Date Product Original Trading Sessions (GMT+3) Updated Trading Sessions (GMT+3) 2023/9/18 (Mon.) CHINA50 01:00-03:55 04:00-11:55 12:00-24:00 04:00-11:55 12:00-24:00 Friendly Reminder • The mentioned


September 2023

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


September 2023

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on


September 2023

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on