Ultima Markets – Trading Session Adjustment for US Daylight Saving (DST)

Our server time zone will be changed to “GMT+3” due to US Daylight Saving (DST) on 9th March 2025. The trading sessions will also be updated as per the following schedule:
Date Product Original Trading Sessions (GMT+2) Updated Trading Sessions (GMT+3)
2025/03/09 (Sun.) Cocoa Mon-Fri: 11:45-20:30 Mon-Fri: 12:45-20:30
Coffee Mon-Fri: 11:15-20:30 Mon-Fri: 12:15-20:30
Sugar Mon-Fri: 10:30-20:00 Mon-Fri: 11:30-20:00
Gasoil Mon: 01:00-24:00
Tue-Fri: 03:00-21:00
Mon-Fri 10:00-21:00
UKOUSD Mon-Fri: 01:00-24:00 Mon: 2:00-24:00
Tue-Fri: 00:00-01:00,
UKOUSDft Mon: 01:00-24:00
Tue-Fri: 00:00-01:00,
Mon: 2:00-24:00
Tue-Fri: 00:00-01:00,
ES35 Mon-Fri: 09:00-21:00 Mon-Fri: 10:00-21:00
GER40 Mon-Thu: 02:15-24:00
Fri: 02:15-23:00
Mon-Fri: 03:15-24:00
GER40ft Mon-Thu: 02:15-24:00
Fri: 02:15-23:00
Mon-Fri: 03:15-24:00
Mon-Thu: 02:15-24:00
Fri: 02:15-23:00
Mon-Fri: 01:05-03:00,
SA40 Mon-Fri: 03:15-23:00 Mon-Fri: 09:30-18:30
BVSPX Mon-Fri: 14:01-23:25 Mon-Fri: 15:01-23:55
China50 Mon-Fri: 03:00-10:00,
Mon-Fri: 04:00-11:30,
China50ft Mon-Fri: 03:00-10:00,
Mon-Fri: 04:00-11:30,
SGP20 Mon-Fri: 02:30 – 11:10,
Mon-Fri: 03:30-12:10,
TWINDEX Mon-Fri: 03:00-7:30,
Mon-Fri: 04:00-08:30,
HK50 Mon-Fri: 03:15-06:00,
07:00-10:30, 11:15-21:00
Mon-Fri: 04:15-07:00,
08:00-11:30, 12:15-22:00
HK50ft Mon-Fri: 03:15-06:00,
07:00-10:30, 11:15-21:00
Mon-Fri: 04:15-07:00,
08:00-11:30, 12:15-22:00
Mon-Fri: 03:15-06:00,
07:00-10:30, 11:15-21:00
Mon-Fri: 04:15-07:00,
08:00-11:30, 12:15-22:00
SPI200 Mon-Fri: 01:00-07:30,
Mon-Fri: 01:00-08:30,
UK100 Mon-Fri: 01:00-24:00 Mon: 01:05-24:00
Tue-Fri: 01:00-24:00
UK100ft Mon-Fri: 01:05-24:00 Mon: 01:05-24:00
Tue-Fri: 01:00-24:00
EUB10Y Mon-Fri: 02:15-23:00 Mon-Fri: 03:15~24:00
EUB2Y Mon-Fri: 02:15-23:00 Mon-Fri: 03:15~24:00
EUB30Y Mon-Fri: 02:15-23:00 Mon-Fri: 03:15~24:00
EUB5Y Mon-Fri: 02:15-23:00 Mon-Fri: 03:15~24:00
EURIBOR3M Mon-Fri: 03:00-23:00 Mon-Fri: 04:00-24:00
LongGilt Mon-Fri: 10:00-20:00 Mon-Fri: 11:00-21:00
USDCLP Mon-Fri: 14:50-18:10 Mon-Fri: 15:50-19:10
USDCOP Mon-Fri: 16:00-19:50 Mon-Fri: 17:00-20:50
USDIDR Mon-Fri: 03:00-23:00 Mon-Fri: 04:00-23:00
USDKRW Mon-Fri: 02:00-23:00 Mon-Fri: 03:00-23:00
USDTWD Mon-Fri: 02:10-22:00 Mon-Fri: 03:10-22:00
USDINR Mon-Fri: 04:00-23:00 Mon-Fri: 05:00-23:00

Friendly Reminder

  • • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+3.
  • • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions base on the dynamic nature of market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information on the MetaTrader software/application.
    If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets – The trading sessions of holiday in March

The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details:
Holiday Date Adjustments (Product / Actions)
Cainival 2025.03.03 Market Closed BVSPX, USDBRL, USDKRW
Cainival 2025.03.04 Market Closed BVSPX, USDBRL
Ash Wednesday 2025.03.05 Late open 18:00
Early closed 21:55
Holi 2025.03.14 Market Closed USDINR
Human Rights Day 2025.03.21 Market Closed SA40
Saint Joseph’s Day 2025.03.24 Market Closed USDCOP
Cuti Bersama 2025.03.28 Market Closed USDIDR
Eid Mubarak 2025.03.31 Market Closed USDINR, USDIDR

Friendly Reminder

  • • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+3.
  • • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions base on the dynamic nature of market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information on the MetaTrader software/application.
    If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets – The trading sessions of holiday in Feb

The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details:
Holiday Date Adjustments (Product / Actions)
USA Presidents Day 2025.02.17 18:30 Early Close VIX
20:00 Early Close USNote10Y, DJ30, DJ30ft, SP500,
SP500ft, NAS100, NAS100ft, US2000,
Nikkei225, JPN225ft
21:30 Early Close USOUSD, CL-OIL, NG, GAS, Copper
23:00 Early Close UK100, UK100ft, GER40, GER40ft,
EU50, FRA40
Market Closed Cotton, OJ, Cocoa, Coffee, Sugar,
Soybean, Wheat, US shares,
USA Presidents Day 2025.02.18 03:00 Late Open UKOUSDft
Peace Memorial day 2025.02.28 Market Closed USDTWD

Friendly Reminder

  • • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+2.
  • • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions base on the dynamic nature of market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information on the MetaTrader software/application.
    If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets – The trading sessions of holiday in Jan

The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details:
Holiday Date Adjustments (Product / Actions)
New Year 2025.01.01 Market Closed Forex, Indices, Shares, Bonds,
ETF, Metal & Commodities
New Year 2025.01.02 02:15 Late Open EU50
03:00 Late Open UKOUSDft, UK100, UK100ft
09:00 Late Open FRA40
16:30 Late Open Soybean, Wheat
Epiphany 2025.01.06 Market Closed USDCOP
National Day Of Mourning For Jimmy Carter 2025.01.09 16:30 Early Closed DJ30, DJ30ft, SP500, SP500ft,
NAS100, NAS100ft, US2000,
Nikkei225, JPN225ft, VIX
20:15 Early Closed Soybean, Wheat, USNote10Y
23:00 Early Closed UK100, UK100ft, GER40, GER40ft,
Market Closed US shares
Martin Luther King Day 2025.01.20 Market Closed Cotton, OJ, Cocoa, Coffee,
Sugar, Soybean, Wheat, US shares
20:00 Early Closed DJ30, DJ30ft, SP500, SP500ft,
NAS100, NAS100ft, US2000,
Nikkei225, JPN225ft, USNote10Y
21:30 Early Closed GOLD, SILVER, XPDUSD, XPTUSD,
23:00 Early Closed UK100, UK100ft
Australia Day 2025.01.24 23:00 Early Closed SPI200
Australia Day 2025.01.27 08:10 Late Open SPI200
Lunar New Year 2025.01.28 06:00 Early Closed HK50, HK50ft, HKTECH
Lunar New Year 2025.01.29 Market Closed USDTWD, USDIDR, USDKRW,
HK50, HK50ft, HKTECH
Lunar New Year 2025.01.30 Market Closed HK50, HK50ft, HKTECH
Lunar New Year 2025.01.31 Market Closed HK50, HK50ft, HKTECH

Friendly Reminder

  • • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+2.
  • • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions based on the dynamic nature of market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information on the MetaTrader software/application.
    If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets – The trading sessions of holiday in Dec

The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details:
Holiday Date Adjustments (Product / Actions)
Day of Reconciliation 2024.12.16 Market Closed SA40
Christmas Eve 2024.12.23 23:00 Early Close GER40, GER40ft, EU50
Christmas Eve 2024.12.24 05:30 Early Close SPI200
06:00 Early Close HK50, HK50ft, HKTECH
14:00 Early Close EURIBOR3M
14:15 Early Close LongGilt
14:50 Early Close UK100, UK100ft
14:55 Early Close FRA40, FRA40ft
15:00 Early Close ES35
20:00 Early Close US shares
20:05 Early Close Cotton, OJ, Cocoa, Coffee, Soybean,
20:15 Early Close DJ30, DJ30ft, SP500, SP500ft,
NAS100,NAS100ft, US2000, Nikkei225,
JPN225ft, CHINA50, CHINA50ft, VIX,
NG, GAS, Copper
21:00 Early Close Gasoil
Market Closed GER40, GER40ft, EU50, BVSPX,
Christmas Day 2024.12.25 Market Closed Forex, Indices, Shares, Bonds, ETF,
Metal & Commodities
Christmas Day 2024.12.26 Market Closed UK100, UK100ft, GER40, GER40ft,
EU50, FRA40, FRA40ft, ES35, HK50,
03:00 Late Open UKOUSDft
14:30 Late Open Cotton, Cocoa, Coffee, Sugar
Christmas Day 2024.12.27 02:15 Late Open EU50
03:00 Late Open UK100, UK100ft
09:00 Late Open FRA40
New Years Eve 2024.12.30 23:00 Early Close GER40, GER40ft, EU50
New Years Eve 2024.12.31 Market Closed GER40, GER40ft, EU50, BVSPX,
05:30 Early Close SPI200
06:00 Early Close HK50, HK50ft, HKTECH
14:15 Early Close LongGilt, EURIBOR3M
14:50 Early Close UK100, UK100ft
14:55 Early Close FRA40, FRA40ft
15:00 Early Close ES35
22:00 Early Close UKOUSD, UKOUSDft, Gasoil
New Year 2025.01.01 Market Closed Forex, Indices, Shares, Bonds, ETF,
Metal & Commodities
New Year 2025.01.02 02:15 Late Open EU50
03:00 Late Open UKOUSDft, UK100, UK100ft
09:00 Late Open FRA40

Friendly Reminder

  • • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+2.
  • • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions base on the dynamic nature of market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information on the MetaTrader software/application.
    If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets – The trading sessions of holiday in Nov 

The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details:
Holiday Date Adjustments (Product / Actions)
All Saints’ Day 2024.11.01 Market Closed USDCLP, USDINR
All Saints’ Day 2024.11.04 Market Closed USDCOP
Independence of Cartagena 2024.11.11 Market Closed USDCOP
Republic Day 2024.11.15 Market Closed BVSPX, USDBRL, USDINR
Black Awareness Day 2024.11.20 Market Closed BVSPX
Indonesia’s regional elections 2024.11.27 Market Closed USDIDR
Thanksgiving 2024.11.28 18:30 Early Close VIX
20:00 Early Close DJ30, DJ30ft, SP500, SP500ft, NAS100,
NAS100ft, US2000, Nikkei225, JPN225ft,
20:30 Early Close UKOUSD, UKOUSDft, Gasoil
21:30 Early Close GOLD, SILVER, Copper
23:00 Early Close UK100, UK100ft, GER40, GER40ft
Market Closed Cotton, OJ, Cocoa, Coffee, Sugar,
Soybean, Wheat
US shares
Thanksgiving 2024.11.29 03:00 Late Open UKOUSDft
15:00 Late Open Cotton
16:30 Late Open Soybean, Wheat
20:00 Early Close US shares
20:05 Early Close Soybean, Wheat
20:15 Early Close USNote10Y, VIX, USDX
DJ30, DJ30ft, SP500, SP500ft, NAS100,
NAS100ft, US2000, Nikkei225, JPN225ft
20:30 Early Close Cotton, OJ
21:00 Early Close UKOUSD, UKOUSDft, Gasoil
21:45 Early Close GOLD, SILVER, Copper
Thanksgiving 2024.11.30 03:00 Late Open UKOUSDft

Friendly Reminder

  • • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+2.
  • • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions base on the dynamic nature of market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information on the MetaTrader software/application.
    If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Trading Session & Server Time Adjustment for US Daylight Saving (DST)

Date Product Original Trading Sessions (GMT+3) Updated Trading Sessions (GMT+2)
2024/11/03 (Sun.) Cocoa Mon-Fri: 12:45-20:30 Mon-Fri 11:45-20:30
Coffee Mon-Fri: 12:15-20:30 Mon-Fri 11:15-20:30
Sugar Mon-Fri: 11:30-20:00 Mon-Fri 10:30-20:00
UKOUSD Mon: 02:00-24:00
Tue-Fri: 00:00-01:00, 04:00-24:00
Mon: 1:00-24:00
Tue-Fri: 03:00-24:00
ES35 Mon-Fri: 10:00-22:00 Mon-Fri :9:00-21:00
GER40 Mon-Fri: 03:15-24:00 Mon-Thu: 02:15-24:00
Fri: 02:15-23:00
GER40ft Mon-Fri: 03:15-24:00 Mon-Thu: 02:15-24:00
Fri: 02:15-23:00
SA40 Mon-Fri: 09:30-18:30 Mon-Fri: 08:30-17:30
BVSPX Mon-Fri: 15:01-23:55 Mon-Fri: 14:01-23:25
China50 Mon-Fri: 04:00-11:30, 12:00-23:45 Mon-Fri: 03:00-10:30, 11:00-22:45
China50ft Mon-Fri: 04:00-11:30, 12:00-23:45 Mon-Fri: 03:00-10:30, 11:00-22:45
SGP20 Mon-Fri: 03:30-12:10, 12:50-23:45 Mon-Fri: 02:30-11:10, 11:50-22:45
TWINDEX Mon-Fri: 04:00-08:30, 09:15-24:00 Mon-Fri: 03:00-07:30, 08:15-23:00
HK50 Mon-Fri: 04:15-07:00, 08:00-11:30, 12:15-22:00 Mon-Fri: 03:15-06:00, 07:00-10:30, 11:15-21:00
HK50ft Mon-Fri: 04:15-07:00, 08:00-11:30, 12:15-22:00 Mon-Fri: 03:15-06:00, 07:00-10:30, 11:15-21:00
HKTECH Mon-Fri: 04:15-07:00, 08:00-11:30, 12:15-22:00 Mon-Fri: 03:15-06:00, 07:00-10:30, 11:15-21:00
EUB2Y Mon-Fri: 03:15-23:00 Mon-Fri: 02:15~23:00
EUB5Y Mon-Fri: 03:15-23:00 Mon-Fri: 02:15~23:00
EUB10Y Mon-Fri: 03:15-23:00 Mon-Fri: 02:15~23:00
EUB30Y Mon-Fri: 03:15-23:00 Mon-Fri: 02:15~23:00
EURIBOR3M Mon-Fri: 03:00-23:00 Mon-Fri: 03:00-23:00
LongGilt Mon-Fri: 10:00-20:00 Mon-Fri: 10:00-20:00
USDCLP Mon-Fri: 15:50-19:10 Mon-Fri: 14:50-18:10
USDCOP Mon-Fri: 17:00-20:50 Mon-Fri: 16:00-19:50
USDIDR Mon-Fri: 04:00-23:00 Mon-Fri: 03:00-23:00
USDKRW Mon-Fri: 03:00-23:00 Mon-Fri: 02:00-23:00
USDTWD Mon-Fri: 03:10-22:00 Mon-Fri: 02:10-22:00
USDINR Mon-Fri: 05:00-23:00 Mon-Fri: 04:00-23:00
SPI200 Mon-Fri: 01:00-08:30, 09:10-24:00 Mon-Fri: 01:00-07:30, 08:10-24:00

Friendly Reminder

  • • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+2.
  • • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions base on the dynamic nature of market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information on the MetaTrader software/application.
    If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact[email protected].

Ultima Markets – Trading Session Adjustment for EU/UK Daylight Saving (DST)

The trading sessions for EU&UK Daylight Saving (DST) will be updated from 27 October 2024 as per the following schedule:
Date Product Original Trading Sessions (GMT+3) Updated Trading Sessions (GMT+3)
2024/10/27 (Sun.) UKOUSD Mon 01:00-24:00
Tue-Fri 03:00-24:00
Mon 02:00-24:00
Tue-Fri 00:00-01:00; 03:00-24:00
Ger40 Mon-Thu 03:15-24:00
Fri 03:15-23:00
Mon-Fri 03:15-24:00
Ger40ft Mon-Thu 03:15-24:00
Fri 03:15-23:00
Mon-Fri 03:15-24:00
ES35 Mon-Fri 09:00-21:00 Mon-Fri 10:00-21:00
Cocoa Mon-Fri 11:45-20:30 Mon-Fri 12:45-20:30
Coffee Mon-Fri 11:15-20:30 Mon-Fri 12:15-20:30
Sugar Mon-Fri 10:30-20:00 Mon-Fri 11:30-20:00
EUB2Y Mon-Fri 03:15-23:00 Mon-Fri 03:15-24:00
EUB5Y Mon-Fri 03:15-23:00 Mon-Fri 03:15-24:00
EUB10Y Mon-Fri 03:15-23:00 Mon-Fri 03:15-24:00
EUB30Y Mon-Fri 03:15-23:00 Mon-Fri 03:15-24:00
EURIBOR3M Mon-Fri 03:00-23:00 Mon-Fri 04:00-24:00
LongGilt Mon-Fri 10:00-20:00 Mon-Fri 11:00-21:00

Friendly Reminder

  • • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+3.
  • • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions base on the dynamic nature of market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information on the MetaTrader software/application.
    If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets – The trading sessions of holiday in Oct

The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details:
Holiday Date Adjustments (Product / Actions)
China National Day 2024.10.01 Market Closed HK50, HK50ft, HKTECH
Gandhi Birthday 2024.10.02 Market Closed USDINR
Korea National Foundation Day 2024.10.03 Market Closed USDKRW
Hangeul Day 2024.10.09 Market Closed USDKRW
ROC National Day 2024.10.10 Market Closed USDTWD
Double Ninth Festival 2024.10.11 Market Closed HK50, HK50ft, HKTECH
Day of the Races 2024.10.14 Market Closed USDCOP
Reformation Day 2024.10.31 Market Closed USDCLP

Friendly Reminder

  • • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+3.
  • • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions base on the dynamic nature of market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information on the MetaTrader software/application.
    If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]

Ultima Markets – The trading sessions of holiday in Sep

The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details:
Holiday Date Adjustments (Product / Actions)
US Labor Day 2024.09.02 Market Closed Cotton, OJ, Cocoa, Coffee, Sugar,
Soybean,Wheat, US shares
18:30 Early Closed VIX
20:00 Early Closed DJ30, DJ30ft, SP500, SP500ft,
NAS100, NAS100ft, US2000,
Nikkei225, JPN225ft, USNote10Y
20:30 Early Closed GOLD, SILVER, XPDUSD, XPTUSD,
21:30 Early Closed NG, GAS
23:00 Early Closed UK100, UK100ft, GER40, GER40ft
US Labor Day 2024.09.03 3:00 Late Open UKOUSDft
Euronext System Migration 2024.09.06 19:30 Early Closed FRA40, FRA40ft
Euronext System Migration 2024.09.09 09:00 Late Open FRA40, FRA40ft
Respect for the Aged Day 2024.09.16 Market Closed USDINR, USDIDR, USDKRW
Mid-Authumn Festival 2024.09.17 Market Closed USDTWD, USDKRW
Mid-Authumn Festival 2024.09.18 Market Closed HK50, HK50ft, HKTECH,
Army Day 2024.09.19 Market Closed USDCLP
Extended National Day 2024.09.20 Market Closed USDCLP
Heritage Day 2024.09.24 03:00 Late Open SA40

Friendly Reminder

  • • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+3.
  • • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions base on the dynamic nature of market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information on the MetaTrader software/application.
    If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]