Dear Client,
Ultima Markets futures contract products: VIX、FRA40ft、CL-OIL、IND50ft、FLG、UKOUSDft、HK50ft、CHINA50ft、TY will be rolled over soon, please refer to the table below.
Since rollover is not due to market factors, the old futures contracts will be automatically rolled over during the switch between the old and new contracts, and the positions of futures contracts, you are holding, will be subject to a corresponding rollover charge to reflect the price difference between those two contracts.
Investors should properly control their positions or adjust their stop-loss settings accordingly before the rollover.
During the half-hour before and after the opening of the rollover day, we will prohibit all internal transfers from accounts in the same name due to rollover adjustments.
Note: Please refer to the MT4 software for the above execution data.
If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected].
Kind regards,
Ultima Markets
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