From Ultima Markets

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Ultima Markets – The Rollover Schedule of Futures in July

We will adjust the specification for US shares CFD with the upcoming US earnings season and the accompanying market risks. •  Adjustment details 1. Effective Date: Since 10, Jul 2023 1. Adjustment: The leverage of US Shares CFD will be adjusted from 33:1 to 20:1. •  Friendly Reminder: 1. The margin requirements for the above […]

Ultima Markets maintenance

As part of our commitment to providing the best reliability and service to our clients, there will be server maintenance this weekend. Maintenance Hours: 2023 July 1st 02:00 – July 1st 04:00 (GMT+3) Please note that the following aspects might be affected during the maintenance: 1. The features on MT4 will be temporarily unavailable. You […]

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on the same day, and the corresponding gain or expense will occur depending on the position […]

Ultima Markets – The trading sessions of holiday in June

Dear Client, The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details: Important Reminder: • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+3. • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions base on market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information […]

Ultima Markets – The notification of Product Delist

The Singapore Exchange (SGX) will cease trading the INDIA50 futures contract, and we will be implementing the necessary delisting adjustments. Adjustment details 1. Delisted Products: INDIA50, IND50ft 2. Contract Termination Date: June 23, 2023 (Friday) 3. Delisting Date: June30, 2023 (Friday) Friendly reminder • We recommend clients close all INDIA50 and IND50ft positions before the market closes on June […]

Ultima Markets – The trading sessions of holiday in June

Dear Client, The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details: Important Reminder: • The mentioned times are based on DST system time GMT+3. • Liquidity providers might adjust the trading sessions base on market conditions. The up-to-date execution data should be subject to information […]

Ultima Markets – The trading sessions of holiday in June

Holiday Date Product Corpus Christi Day 2023.06.08 Closed BVSPX The King’s Birthday 2023.06.12 10 : 10Late Open SPI200 Closed USDCOP Youth Day 2023.06.16 Closed SA40 Juneteenth 2023.06.19 18 : 30Early Closed VIX 20 : 00Early Closed DJ30: DJ30H;SP500: SP500ft;NAS100: NAST00H,Nikkei225,JPN225,fUS2000;TY 20 : 15Early Closed UKOUSD; UKOUSDf:USOUSD: CL-OILXPDUSD: XPTUSD 20 : 30Early Closed Gasoil 21 : […]

Ultima Markets – The adjustment of specification for TRY

Dear Client, With the conclusion of the Turkish presidential election and to improve liquidity in the markets, we will adjust the specification for TRY crosses. Please find the details below: 1. Effective Date: 5, Jun 2023 2. Adjustment: The leverage of TRY crosses will be adjusted from 5:1 to 20:1.          Trading access will be adjusted […]

Ultima Markets Notification of Server Upgrade

Dear Client, As part of our commitment to providing the best reliability and service to our clients, there will be server maintenance this weekend. Maintenance Hours: 2023 May 13th 02:00 – May 14th 24:00 (GMT+3) Please note that the following aspects might be affected during the maintenance: 1. The features on MT4 will be temporarily […]

Ultima Markets May Futures Rollover Notice

Dear Client, Ultima Markets futures contract products: VIX、FRA40ft、CL-OIL、IND50ft、FLG、UKOUSDft、HK50ft、CHINA50ft、TY will be rolled over soon, please refer to the table below. Since rollover is not due to market factors, the old futures contracts will be automatically rolled over during the switch between the old and new contracts, and the positions of futures contracts, you are holding, will […]