From Ultima Markets

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Memahami CFD: Risiko Leverage dan Kos Dagangan (Panduan Utama tentang CFD)

Kontrak untuk perbezaan, atau CFD, adalah instrumen derivatif kewangan. Ia merupakan kontrak antara pelabur atau pedagang dengan broker, di mana pelabur membayar perbezaan harga penyelesaian antara pembukaan dan penutupan sesuatu dagangan.

Cara Berdagang Indeks Popular Seperti S&P 500 dan NASDAQ (Panduan Dagangan Indeks)

Ketahui cara berdagang indeks utama seperti S&P 500 dan NASDAQ. Terokai strategi perdagangan, trend pasaran, dan pengurusan risiko yang berkesan untuk berjaya dalam perdagangan indeks.

Forex 101: Memahami Pasangan Mata Wang, Pip, dan Lain-lain

Terokai dagangan Forex dengan panduan kami. Pelajari tentang pasangan mata wang, pip, struktur pasaran, waktu dagangan, dan faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan pasaran Forex.

Cara Berdagang Emas dan Minyak Mentah? (Panduan Dagangan Komoditi)

Komoditi merujuk kepada barangan ekonomi yang umumnya merupakan sumber asli. Aktiviti dagangan komoditi di pasaran global dan tempatan dikenali sebagai dagangan komoditi. Beberapa komoditi popular yang didagangkan termasuk emas, perak, minyak mentah, gas asli , kayu, dan hasil pertanian.

Di Mana Hendak Berdagang: Bursa dan Pasaran OTC? [Pengenalan kepada Pasaran Kewangan]

Pasaran kewangan ialah tempat di mana instrumen dan aset kewangan boleh dibeli dan dijual. Pasaran ini boleh berpusat, seperti bursa saham, atau pasaran over-the-counter (OTC), seperti pasaran pertukaran asing (forex).

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on the same day, and the corresponding gain or expense will occur depending on the position […]

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on the same day, and the corresponding gain or expense will occur depending on the position […]

Ultima Markets – The trading sessions of holiday in Feb

The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details: Holiday Date Adjustments (Product / Actions) USA Presidents Day 2025.02.17 18:30 Early Close VIX 20:00 Early Close USNote10Y, DJ30, DJ30ft, SP500, SP500ft, NAS100, NAS100ft, US2000, Nikkei225, JPN225ft 21:15 Early Close GOLD, SILVER, XPDUSD, XPTUSD, UKOUSD, UKOUSDft […]

Ultima Markets – The trading sessions of holiday in Jan

The trading sessions of some products will be adjusted due to international holidays. Please refer to the following details: Holiday Date Adjustments (Product / Actions) New Year 2025.01.01 Market Closed Forex, Indices, Shares, Bonds, ETF, Metal & Commodities New Year 2025.01.02 02:15 Late Open EU50 03:00 Late Open UKOUSDft, UK100, UK100ft 09:00 Late Open FRA40 […]

Ultima Markets Index Dividend Adjustment Notice

When you are trading in Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot stock indices, if a component of the underlying stock index pays a dividend/dividend (payout) to its shareholders, your trading account will be adjusted ex-dividend at 00:00 server time on the same day, and the corresponding gain or expense will occur depending on the position […]