今日Ultima Markets 爲您帶來了 2024年 2月 8日比特幣的深入分析。
- 聯準會卡什卡利:以“鷹派”著稱的聯準會委員卡什卡利對外表示,若條件合適,我們可以相當緩慢的下調政策利率,今年降息2-3次似乎是合適的;
- 比特幣ETF影響:根據Bernstein數據顯示,截至上週約1.9萬枚比特幣流入。ETF的強大力量將持續成爲影響價格走勢的重要因素,這種規模的任何購買需求增加,都會對價格產生重大影響。
(比特幣日線圖,來源Ultima Markets MT4)
- 隨機震盪指標:指標在超買區域第二次發出多頭信號,暗示當前多頭力量再次佔據上風。不過信號發生在超買區域,因此需要警惕行情爲多頭趨勢末期。
- 突破回踩:匯價在1月30日突破33日均線後回調盤整,昨日收盤價突破前高,行情大概率將短期延續上漲趨勢。
(比特幣4小時圖,來源Ultima Markets MT4)
- 隨機震盪指標:指標50中位線上方發出多頭信號,快線慢線均進入超買區域,暗示當前多頭較爲強勁。
- 均線支撐:市價在回踩黑色33日均線後突破前高,此外突破前高後的快速上漲暗示短期即便回調可能也僅僅是短期的。
Trading Central樞紐線指標
(比特幣30分鐘圖,來源Ultima Markets APP)
- 根據Ultima Markets APP中的Trading Central樞紐線指標,當日中樞價位44040,
- 44040之上看漲,第一目標45540,第二目標45980
- 44040之下看跌,第一目標43310,第二目標42870
本文所含評論、新聞、研究、分析、價格及其他資料只能視作一般市場資訊,僅爲協助讀者瞭解市場形勢而提供,並不構成投資建議。Ultima Markets已採取合理措施確保資料的準確性,但不能保證資料的精確度,及可隨時更改而毋須作出通知。Ultima Markets不會爲直接或間接使用或依賴此等資料而可能引致的任何虧損或損失(包括但不限於任何盈利的損失)負責。
Willly is a skilled and experienced market analyst who has been analyzing financial markets for over 5 years. He currently serves as a Market Analyst at Ultima Markets, a leading financial services company.
Willy brings a wealth of expertise in fundamental and technical analysis, having previously worked as Head of Financial Market Analyst at GCMAsia. There, he oversaw the research department and developed educational materials to build clients' financial knowledge. He also collaborated cross-functionally to amplify sales and achieve business goals.
Prior to that role, Willy gained valuable experience as a Financial Market Analyst at the same company. He generated daily and weekly reports, conducted market briefings, and provided trading strategies through webinars.
Read his latest market analyses on the Ultima Markets News & Analysis.